The fertility crisis brought by bad eating habits to Chinese men

Since the implementation of family planning, eugenics and eugenics have been more and more valued by prospective parents. However, it is strange that there was no family planning theory in the past. The birth rate of newborn is still high, but in the modern society, with the gradual rise of medical conditions, more and more infertile couples are becoming infertile. According to the survey of medical institutions, many cases of modern infertility are caused by the decline of sperm vitality and the increase of sperm alienation rate.

A few years ago, a university in Shanghai held a “sperm donation” activity, which was intended to help many infertile families through sperm donation. However, according to the experts’ investigation of the collected sperm, it was found that the sperm vitality of these college students who were at the peak of their lives was not optimistic. Generally, the sperm density of a qualified donor should be 60 million sperm / ml, but at that time, there were not many college student volunteers who could meet this standard, even only one of the twenty donors was qualified.

After the report was published, Chinese people were surprised and embarrassed. People couldn’t help asking why the fertility of Chinese men is declining year by year?

For this problem, the result of expert analysis is: bad eating habits and lifestyle have a lot of responsibility. Chinese men like to eat too much high calorie food, high sugar drinks and snacks, coupled with unhealthy living habits and ways, which directly lead to low fertility.

Even some experts say that if in the long run, Chinese men have not paid attention to healthy diet and continue to live a life of salt, sugar, tobacco and alcohol, then in the near future, even with the rapid development of medical technology, the physique of all Chinese men will be worrying.

1. Essential nutrients for boys

There are more than 40 kinds of nutrition needed by the human body, which can be summarized as protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin, mineral, water and dietary fiber. These are all necessary nutrients for the growth of boys. Therefore, as a boy’s parents, they should know that only by eating miscellaneous foods and absorbing nutrients of various foods can their children achieve comprehensive success Long. The daily intake of food for boys should be kept at 15-20 kinds, and the diet can not be the same, it must be changed frequently. The specific classification is as follows:

6 groups of food forge real men in the future:

Food: including all kinds of cereal food, all kinds of beans and all kinds of potato;

Vegetables: including all kinds of root vegetables, stem vegetables, leaf vegetables, cauliflower, fruit vegetables and fungi;

Fruits: including all kinds of melons, oranges, berries, kernels and drupes;

Animal food: including all kinds of animal meat, poultry meat, fish and shrimp, eggs and animal viscera;

bad eating habits

Dairy products: including all kinds of fresh milk and processed products;

Oil and sugar: including all kinds of animal fat and all kinds of sugar products.

For these six groups of food, parents must pay attention to that the food in one group can not replace the food in the other group, and no group of food is more important in health than the food in the other group. These six groups of food are necessary for boys’ growth. In nutrition, the food of the first five groups is called protective food, which can provide all kinds of nutrients needed by the human body. Parents should choose one or several kinds of food from each group to make up the boy’s daily diet, while the sixth group is called high-energy food. Excessive consumption will produce energy excess and other problems, so it should be properly eaten.

In addition to the diversification of food, the diet of little boys should also maintain a balance of nutrition supply. Generally speaking, 2-13-year-old boys should take 1-2 bottles of milk (about 220-440 ml) every day to supplement calcium, an egg (about 50 g) to supplement protein, 100-200 g of animal meat, fish or poultry (2-42 Liang), 150-300 g of vegetables (3-62 Liang), 75-150 g of fruit (1-32 Liang), and 200-400 g of staple food (4 & mdash; 8 Liang). If possible, once a week, boys should be given a meal composed of liver, kelp or laver, so as to provide them with more iron, iodine and vitamin A, etc. red meat such as beef and mutton contains iron which is easy to be absorbed by human body, and it is also beneficial for boys to eat more properly.

Like adults, boys should also pay attention to the quartering method, that is, every meal should be composed of four parts: carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits and meat. Special attention should be paid to the consumption of sugar and oil. The flavor should be light, not to mention a lot of spices to match the taste of children. These additives have adverse effects on children’s growth.

2. Little man’s vegetable Road

Some boys don’t like to eat vegetables since they were young. They only like meat or other food. Of course, this is not a good phenomenon. But parents don’t have to worry too much. If children like fruit, they can use special fruit to supplement necessary nutrients first. In the process of children’s slowly learning to accept green vegetables such as green vegetables and spinach, fruit is a good nutritional substitute. If the child does not eat carrots, in order to supplement vitamin A and carotene that may be lacking, parents may as well give him some apricots, Hami melons, strawberries and oranges, or replace spinach to meet the needs of the child for folic acid.

Bananas can replace potatoes as a source of potassium, and citrus fruits can replace cabbage to meet children’s needs for vitamin C. However, in order to ensure the diversification of children’s nutrition, parents should try their best to cultivate their love for vegetables, because after all, vegetables and fruits cannot completely replace each other. Vegetables are not only rich in essential vitamins and minerals, but also contain a variety of phytochemicals to promote health, which is very beneficial to children’s growth. Therefore, it is very important for parents to constantly provide vegetables for their children to accept and like them!

3. Do not refuse to be greasy

In today’s society, because many children are overweight, parents will over correct their children’s fat intake. In fact, for infants and toddlers, their brains and bodies grow extremely fast, and 40% of the calories they need every day must be taken from fat. Moreover, the developing brain has special needs for fatty acids and other components of fat. Therefore, experts suggest that children under 2 years old should drink whole milk instead of skimmed milk. Older children still need to get enough fatty acids from their diet to support healthy skin growth, sexual hormone secretion and vitamin absorption. Fat can also increase satiety, so parents should treat fat properly. If they limit their children’s fat intake too much, they may compensate by eating more other foods, which is actually more harmful to the body.

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